“Develop new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.”
Cub Packs

Weekday Bookings

Minimum of 7 days notice required for all bookings please.

Chiltern Pack

Monday 6.30pm – 8pm


Cotswold Pack

Wednesday 6.15pm – 7.30pm


Quantock Pack

Thursday 6.30pm – 8pm


Chelwood BookingsWeekend Bookings

What to know

If you would like to book Chelwood for your section, i.e. Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, please do this in conjunction with the other units. You can book day slots (between 7 and 8 hours) and evening slots so ensure you book all that are required so we know how full the campsite will be over the weekend.


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Copyright by 1st Keynsham Scout Group. All rights reserved.  Registered Charity No. 305626

Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath

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Copyright by 1st Keynsham Scout Group. All rights reserved.  Registered Charity No. 305626

Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath