Feb 2020 – A weekend with Scouts from London

8th – 9th Feb 2020.

Some Scouts from South London were staying at Congesbury Scout HQ and needed an extra leader for a weekend of caving so I went along. They have some very experienced leaders (one had over 4000 hours underground on his log book) so it was a good opportunity to learn some techniques and hear about some caving in other parts of the world. We did 3 caves on Saturday (my group did Pierre’s, Rod’s and Read’s) and then Swildon’s on Sunday. Swildon’s was particularly good as there was quite a lot of water running so some good rivers and waterfalls to climb. The Scouts were all polite and well-behaved and worked well with us for a really enjoyable weekend. It’s also good to spread the word about our local caves and the Mendips generally and introduce new people to the great outdoors.

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